
Technologies used in cricket......

Cricket is a sport seen all around the world in plenty . This is a very interesting and fun sport o watch . Before as our technology was not so advanced , there was no much advancement in decision taking . Sometimes the decision would also become wrong . But gradually , nowadays a lot of advancement has come to the cricket world .  By which the game becomes more precise . I am going to explain you 5 major advancement or technologies in cricket nowadays . 

Spider Camera

Spider Camera is actually the best camera for streaming sports . Before we were unable to enjoy the game properly . There were very odd camera angles and their quality also was used to be not good . After the implementation of spider cam in the game , people used to enjoy the game very well from different angles . You may have noticed that these camera systems are hung on 4 ropes which are made kevlar . Kevlar ropes are very thin and so string that they can old the spider cam(30-35 kg) very easily . These ropes need a base from which they could carry the camera . Sometimes the roof of the stadium becomes base , sometimes the floodlights else artificial poles are erected to as base . A high amount of kevlar ropes are used . Through the pulleys the camera can move to anywhere on the field . After the installation some No-Flying Zones are also allotted . A team of people control the camera and take various shots from various places of the stadium . The camera moves at a high speed so that it can be moved anytime from a particular place . Gyroscope sensors are used on the cameras so that it can remain stable after moving in such speed also . This transmission is wired . Because out of the four kevlar ropes , in two optical fibres are attached . One of the cables are used to transmit signals to customize the camera angles , its position , movement. And the other cable is used to transmit signals to the media or to the telecast directly . 

Ultra Edge (Snickometer) and Hotspot

While watching any cricket match you may have noticed that when the ball passes near the bat and the wicket keeper catches it and appeals . If the umpire is not sure he refers to the third umpire . Then the third uses two technologies there . First it uses the Hotspot where it shows where the ball has touched the batsman by creating a white spot on a black figure . Two infrared cameras are fit on both  the sides of the batsmen from striker and also from the other end . It focuses the batsman . In its working there is also some science . Whenever the ball touches anywhere a friction is created . Whenever friction is created heat is generated . The infrared camera is a camera which converts heat into electric signals . So as the ball touches and heat generates and it forms more temperature than the rest of body so a white spot is created .

In the stumps microphones are attached . Whenever there is a contact of the ball with the bat a frequency is generated . That frequency is captured by that mic . The audio of that sound is only captured because it ignores all other noises and focuses only on that sound . A graph is created of a straight line . So that whenever the frequency is more the graph gets disturbed . During this, the slow motion video gets merged with the graph and the audio so that we can know if the ball is touching the bat or  not . 

Makar Sankranti

LED Wickets

When there was no LED wickets but only the simple wood wickets often umpires were confused to give any particular decision . Sometimes the bails were difficult to capture sometimes when the ball hit the stumps was difficult to know . But after the introduction of LED wickets this scenario changed .  This was idea was by Australian Researcher Bronte EcKermann and has been created by the South Australian manufacturer Zing International . It is said that in both of the bails in the side read switches are connected. The read switches turns on and off only by magnet . In the stable position the bails remain in contact of stumps which have magnet. Whenever the bails get disturbed the light turns on and it sends a wireless signal to the stumps so that all the lights turn on .

Speed Gun

Speed gun is a device used to find the speed of a particular moving object . The speed gun is placed beside the sight screen and it tracks the ball from their and measures its speed . In the speed gun a transmitter and a receiver are used . It emits some microwaves and when the waves go towards the ball and comes back and gets received through receiver . There becomes a change of frequency at the time of deliver of ball . And that exchange of frequency tells us the speed of the ball . 


Hawkeye is a system used to track the ball and its trajectory . Whenever the ball hits the pads of the batsman , then the umpire uses the hawkeye to know where the ball will go even after the pads . Hawkeye was developed by Paul Hawkins . 6 high speed cameras are attached in different areas of the stadium . It tracks the ball  from all the angles . The video from the six cameras is then triangulated and combined to create a three-dimensional representation of the trajectory of the ball. Then it can track its path . All the footage from the cameras are compared to find the position of the ball from the time of delivery to the end . A program which decides the further path or further action of the ball is inserted in the database .

If you want to buy a perfect cricket , then read the article on the top 5 best cricket bats in India 2020

Also watch - Displays of the phones in today's world !

So these are the major technologies that have changed the scenarios of cricket and made it more enjoyable . And we may be thankful to the developers and the implementers for such great ideas .

So this is all the knowledge I had . It is not copied knowledge, its my knowledge thats why it is called AnupKnowledge .

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