
How calculators work ?

Calculators are used by us daily. We just give some numbers as input does some operations and we get the answer. A lot of calculation is done by calculators. But have you ever thought the working principle of it? It actually does ON and OFF your answer is here. 

The calculator works a little complexly. When we do some operations such as 2 + 3 its shows the answer 5 within no time. Before knowing the working principle we need to know what is inside a calculator. 

The calculator has a keypad made of rubber which has a circuit below it when we touch any key the rubber touches the circuit and gives a command that which number is given as input. 

Then there is a processor chip in a calculator that has some logic gates which are the digital circuits and no electronics can be made without them and the calculator gets current through batteries.

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How it works

When the key is pressed and input is given the number gets converted into binary digits (0,1). In this 0 indicates OFF (absence of current) and 1 indicates (presence of current). When any number such as 2 is given as input it converts it into its binary form (0010). It means no current, no current, flow of current and no current. 

The current that makes the transistors ON or OFF comes from lithium batteries or sometimes from charge obtained from sunlight(solar energy). In this way, the transistors which are the small electronics that get on or off give some input to the processor. 

After giving the first number when you touch any key to operate, the first number gets stored in a memory. Then it is time to give the second input. When we provide the second input, it also gets converted to binary.

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The processor of the calculator has logic gates. These logic gates perform all the arithmetic functions. The logic gates have one or more input and one output on the basis of a certain logic. After we get the output in binary it gets converted into decimal numbers again. 

And we get that on a 7 segment LCD display. The screen has 7 segments as you might have noticed that every calculator has 8 written everywhere which are the 7 segments. 

These 7 segments are made of 7 light bulbs. They create all the digits from 0 to 9. They decide which segment to keep on and which one to off there are some 4 bit BCD inputs which include some inputs. Hexadecimal (O to 10 and 11 to 16 as a to f) digits can be displayed on seven segment displays.

At last, we can conclude that a calculator converts the decimal number into binary signals of current. These signals are stored in the processor for some time to give other inputs. 

Then the processor with the help of the logic gates performs the operation and gives the output. This output is displayed on a 7 segment LCD screen. That is why the calculator calculates fast because the current in it flows very fast.

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So this is all the knowledge I had. It is not copied knowledge, it's my knowledge that's why it is called AnupKnowledge.


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